Working PapersWater Works: Causes and Consequences of Safe Drinking Water in America Is Air Pollution Regulation Too Lenient? Evidence from US Offset Markets (Slides) The Effects of "Buy American": Electric Vehicles and the Inflation Reduction Act (Slides) Spatial Environmental Economics (Slides) The Carbon Footprint of Multinational Production Understanding Support for Inefficient Environmental Policy Instruments Published and Forthcoming/Accepted Papers
Institutions, Comparative Advantage, and the Environment
Do Earmarks Target Low-Income and Minority Communities? Evidence from US Drinking Water
Machine Learning Predicts Which Rivers, Streams, and Wetlands the Clean Water Act Regulates (Supplementary Materials) [interactive map] [explainer video] Regulating Untaxable Externalities: Are Vehicle Air Pollution Standards Effective and Efficient? (Online Appendix) [journal version] Globalization and the Environment (Online Appendix) [journal version] Pollution Trends and US Environmental Policy: Lessons from the Last Half Century [journal version] The Evolution of the “Waters of the United States” and the Role of Economics [journal version] Where is Pollution Moving? Environmental Markets and Environmental Justice [journal version] A water rule that turns a blind eye to transboundary pollution [journal version] The Environmental Bias of Trade Policy (Online Appendix) [journal version]
Energy Cost Pass-Through in U.S. Manufacturing: Estimates and Implications for Carbon Taxes (Slides) [journal version]
US Water Pollution Regulation over the Last Half Century: Burning Waters to Crystal Springs? [journal version]
The Low but Uncertain Measured Benefits of US Water Quality Policy [journal version]
Consequences of the Clean Water Act and the Demand for Water Quality (Slides) [journal version]
Why is Pollution from U.S. Manufacturing Declining? The Roles of Environmental Regulation, Productivity, and Trade (Slides) [journal version]
Regulating Mismeasured Pollution: Implications of Firm Heterogeneity for Environmental Policy (Slides) [journal version]
Defensive Investments and the Demand for
Air Quality: Evidence from the NOx Budget Program [journal version]
Trade Costs, CO2, and the Environment [journal version]
Adapting to Climate Change: The
Remarkable Decline in the U.S. Temperature-Mortality Relationship Over the 20th Century
[journal version]
Convergence in Adaptation to Climate Change: Evidence from High Temperatures and Mortality, 1900-2004 [journal version]
Globalization and the Role of Public Transfers in Redistributing Income in Latin
America and the Caribbean [journal version]
The Benefits of Delayed Primary School Enrollment: Discontinuity Estimates using Exact
Birthdates [journal version]
Community-Based Production of Open-Source Software: What do we Know About the Developers
who Participate? |